Come here to see posts from the human community about all the ways they are standing for, making, hearing, speaking, reading and celebrating human words.

If you want to join in and become an instant member of human words project by contributing, that’s what we want! See the guidelines for contributing our words, below.

Make your words

Ashley Carpenter (Charlotte, NC)

Lorna Barth

Chris Osmond (Boone, NC)

Joanna and Barley Osmond (Boone, NC)

Like a chicken howling at the moon, I'm in. 

Like a ballerina driving a dump truck, I'm in. 

Like a monkey juggling tears, I'm in. 

Like a children's book about gout,

like eating a bank robbery,

like a bunny with training wheels,

I'm in, I'm in, I'm in.

Jeff Goodman (Burnsville, NC)

Elliott Barnett (Southern CA)

Without humans, machines are nothing.

Humans learn language first through speech--so too, must we teach machines to speak. But it is passion which fuels our human words, selecting precise diction in our interminable struggle to convey our being in a semantic effort to connect with others. Human language is perfect because of its struggle--not in spite of it.  

Save machines for the automation of labor, not superficially repurposing poetry and prose without distinction for expression, voice, or fidelity.

Will Layman, (Washington, DC)

Sammy Osmond (Boone, NC)


We want you to BECOME an INSTANT MEMBER of Human Words Project by contributing your words.

EMAIL TO: humanwordsproject@gmail.com.

All contributors receive 25% off your first order purchased in our store!

This could be:

—a short video, 1 minute max of you speaking your favorite word, moving it, reciting a brief declaration of words, (think of spoken word open mic), or any other ideas or projects you are involved in

—an example of a project you have done or are doing in your community, written explanation no more than 100 words

—any art using your favorite words

—photos of our digital stamp, you in our t-shirt in unusual places

—be creative, this community loves it!

Submit your full name and city you hail from, or tell us you would like to use your first name only. Please consider sending a small photo of yourself so we can locate you humans in space (not required)

—All works will be credited to the authors, (you retain copyright.) Let us know if you want us to use first name only

We look forward to having you become a member of the project!