Why a Human Words Stamp?

We have created several HWP digital stamps that you can download and include on your work--web site, emails, blogs, social media, Spotify, BandCamp--to affirm that all the words found there were created by a human. By you.

Why would you want to do you such a thing?

  • To raise awareness! Every day, AI has more of a hand in producing the words that we read, listen to, and watch. There didn't used to be "human words" and "AI words": there were just "words"! But now, suddenly, this affirmation needs to be made so we can notice the difference. Just like "Made in USA" and "Fair Trade" labels, the HWP stamp helps people THINK about where their words come from, and what the EFFECTS are of their writing, reading, and listening choices. Seeing the stamp helps people make a choice that supports their values!

  • To draw attention to what makes human words special! AI can make "perfect" looking sentences effortlessly--even though a lot of those "perfect" sentences can contain ideas that are harmful, hateful, or just plain wrong. Most of us were taught all our lives that unless our writing, speaking, or singing was "perfect," it wasn't valuable. But if "perfect" is now computer-easy...then "imperfect" is human-precious! After all, it is the variables and typos and surprises in my writing that lets you know I am here, for real, writing to you. I am a real person, not an algorithm--and so are you.

  • To celebrate what human words can do that AI words cannot! "Imperfect" is our native language. It is how we recognize each other as people! And the more we get together around our shared human experiences, the more we will come to value them. The more we will realize how precious our words have been to us, even as they became so common a part of our lives that we never really noticed them. But now we do! And by naming them "human," and celebrating how they bring us together, we can defy the technologies that seek to dehumanize them for profit and convenience.

An HWP stamp on your stuff says:

  • These are my words!

  • Aren't they awesome?

  • Enjoy them--and share yours with me!


We Get to Decide


Swimming Pools and Bougey Coffee